Alianza hispano-china conquista balcones con “paneles solares flexibles ultraligeros” y baterías autoinstalables

Alianza hispano china se lanza a la conquista de los.jpg

Neutral Newspaper Headline: Sunman and Anker Solix Energy Innovate with Solar Balcony​ Panels ⁣and Batteries

Sunman, a leading manufacturer of ultralight ‍solar panels,⁣ has introduced a new⁢ special​ panel for ‍balconies through Tornasol Energy, ‌promising to⁣ distribute ‍to millions of European balconies. Sunman’s latest ⁢innovation, the SMF200F model, is specifically designed for balconies, offering 200 watts of power and high⁢ efficiency.⁣ This model complies with ​all EU regulations in terms⁣ of size, weight, flexibility, wind⁤ resistance, and anchorage points.

Sunman’s partnership with Tornasol Energy to bring this⁣ advanced product to European families is a result of‍ the Valencia-based company’s expertise‍ in the sector and ⁤a recent distribution ‍agreement with BigBuy. Anker Solix, a Chinese company specializing ⁤in⁢ self-installable solar⁤ batteries for balconies, is also making ⁤a strategic entry into the Spanish market with Tornasol Energy’s support.

The Anker Solix Solarbank⁣ batteries⁢ stand out for their modular​ design, durability, performance in extreme climates, and⁣ ease of installation and compatibility. These batteries represent a qualitative​ leap ‌in balcony‌ plug-in battery storage, allowing the storage of nearly 10 ​kilowatt-hours in just 6 self-installable modules stackable on the⁣ balcony.

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Maria Aguirre



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