Estas son las opciones económicas y lujosas

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The average electricity⁣ price for ‌customers linked ⁣to the wholesale market on ‌Wednesday, ‍April 24th, will be 18.57 euros/MWh. This figure represents a 217% increase compared to​ Tuesday, where the final average ‍price ⁣was 5.84 euros.

Ideal Hours for Cheap Electricity

OMIE data indicates that⁣ the cheapest⁢ electricity hours will occur in the afternoon, specifically from 11:00 to 18:00, with electricity priced at​ 0 euros/MWh.

Peak Hours for ​Expensive Electricity

The most expensive hour ⁤for electricity consumption will be at night, between 21:00​ and 20:00,‍ with a cost of 101⁢ euros/MWh.

Hourly Electricity Costs

  • From 00 to 01 hours: 23.21 ⁣euros/MWh.
  • From 01 to 02 ⁣hours: 16.05⁣ euros/MWh.
  • From‌ 02 to 03‌ hours: ‌12.08​ euros/MWh.
  • From 03 to 04 hours: 11.28 euros/MWh.
  • From 04 to 05 hours: 10.7 euros/MWh.
  • Continuing with ‍similar price variations…

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Maria Aguirre



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