Empresas demandan menos trámites para potenciar energías renovables en Cataluña

Las empresas reclaman menos burocracia para liberar el potencial renovable.jpg

Catalonia faces challenges⁣ in renewable energy‍ production. The private sector at the IV Catalonia Business Forum called for a new administrative framework to unlock the region’s renewable potential.

Enric Brazís, director‍ of Endesa in Catalonia, emphasized the need for a smoother administrative process for wind and‌ solar projects. The region has seen a tenfold increase in new power demand applications from 2020 to 2023, highlighting‍ the urgent need⁤ for efficient procedures.

Alberto Martín from NetOn Power highlighted the growth of industrial self-consumption despite ⁤administrative hurdles. The CEO of Enerside,⁢ Joatham Grange, emphasized Catalonia’s ⁢competitive advantage for solar and wind​ energy but stressed the importance of well-prepared networks for

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Maria Aguirre



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