REE aumenta en un 88% la energía interrumpible para el 2025

REE contrata un 88 mas de energia interrumpible para el.jpg


Red ⁤Eléctrica has secured an 88% increase⁣ in energy for ‍the Demand Response Service (DRS) for ​the upcoming year 2025. ‌This system ⁣is designed​ to ​balance the grid in case ⁤of imbalances between production and‌ consumption.

Increased Demand and Supply
A total of 24 providers with a total capacity​ of 2,018 MW participated in the auction, with ‍21 providers offering a total of 192 ⁤blocks ⁢and 1,455 MW. Ultimately, 1,148 ⁢MW were allocated in the auction to be provided over 4,371​ hours, amounting to around 300 million euros.

Costs​ and ⁣Marginal Prices
The marginal price in the auction process reached⁢ 56.43 euros per MW, a⁣ 38% increase from the previous year. Bamboo⁢ Energy ‌estimates that customers will receive 246,655 ⁣euros for each MW they contribute.

Growing Demand and Service Scope
In 2024, the ‌auction allocated​ 609 MW over 5,745 ​hours from 19 providers. The DRS will be active from January 1 to December 31, ⁤2025. REE reports a demand for 2,116 MW of‍ active response and‍ a​ total of ​4,371 hourly periods.

Future Expectations and Benefits
REE ​projects around 41 activation orders (up to 123 hourly periods) throughout the service period. This reflects a ‌growing interest from electricity consumers to participate in grid services if​ there is clear access and ‍attractive pricing signals.

Reliability and Functionality
The DRS has been‍ activated twice this year to ‌manage grid imbalances and ensure reliable electricity supply. In both instances, the‌ system ⁣responded promptly, ​maintaining ⁣necessary safety standards.

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Maria Aguirre



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