España facilita inversiones de 35.000 millones en renovables

La Justicia reabre la posibilidad de instalar parques eolicos en.jpg

Renewable Energy⁢ in Spain: A‍ Look into ⁣the Future

Spain is​ gearing up ‍to make a significant leap in renewable energy installations over the next five years. In just one year,‌ both the Ministry of Ecological ‍Transition and the Autonomous Communities have processed a total of⁤ 1,351 permits‍ that could lead ‌to the installation of around 46,714 MW ​of new capacity, as revealed by Alter5, a platform specialized in renewable​ energy ‌financing.

Investment Overview

This amount will involve an investment in our country close to 35 billion euros ​and the installation of a power that, ⁣if operating 100% of the hours, would more than cover the national consumption.

National Energy ‍and Climate Plan

The National Energy and‍ Climate Plan (PNIEC) foresees the installation of

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Maria Aguirre



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