Iberdrola impulsa la economía de Extremadura con más de 530 millones de euros

Iberdrola aporta a Extremadura mas de 530 millones de euros.jpg

Iberdrola continues to support Extremadura with an economic impact of over​ 530 million ⁤euros

Iberdrola reiterated​ its commitment to⁤ Extremadura ​by⁤ highlighting⁤ the economic impact of more than 530 ‌million euros last year. ‌This figure includes investments, salaries, ​tax contributions,⁢ and payments to suppliers. ​The company made purchases in 2023 from ⁤a⁤ total of 113 suppliers in ⁣Extremadura, supporting the development of the value chain in the ⁣region.

Growing Presence in ⁤Extremadura

Extremadura has ⁤become⁣ one of Iberdrola’s growth regions in Spain,⁤ with almost 5,700 MW‌ of installed capacity, including 4,590 MW from renewable sources. The company’s facilities in hydroelectric and photovoltaic ‍power add up to 2,043 MW and 2,544 MW, respectively. Iberdrola recently ​inaugurated the new⁤ Cedillo plant in Cáceres with⁤ a⁢ capacity of 375⁢ MW, capable of ⁢supplying clean energy to 178,000 households and reducing CO2 emissions ⁢by 77,000 tons ⁣annually.

Empowering Shareholders and ⁤Promoting Innovation

For⁤ the‍ third consecutive year, Iberdrola has proposed a shareholder dividend of 0.005 euros​ per share. The company aims ​to involve ⁢its ‌shareholders in decision-making processes and rewards them with this dividend ‌if certain ‍conditions‌ are met. Iberdrola’s proactive approach sets it⁣ apart as the only company in the Ibex 35 index‌ to offer such a dividend scheme.

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Maria Aguirre



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