Naturgy suma 13 plantas de biometano de Castilla y León a su red de gas renovable

Naturgy incorpora a su red de gas renovable 13 plantas.jpg

Naturgy promotes the use of​ renewable gas ​in Spain

Nedgia, the gas distributor of the Naturgy Group, has already signed the connection to its network of 13 biogas projects in Castilla y León out of the 45⁤ connection contracts to biogas plants for the injection of renewable gas into their gas distribution network. The injection capacity linked to these requests amounts to 2,400 ​GWh/year, ‌equivalent to the gas consumption ⁣of nearly half a million households in Spain.

Distribution ⁢of biogas projects

By autonomous communities, ​Nedgia has signed, in addition ⁣to the 13⁤ connection⁣ contracts⁢ in Castilla y León, a total of 10 ​in Castilla-La Mancha, 8 in Catalonia, 5 in Galicia, 4 in‌ Andalusia, 3 in Navarra, and 2 in the Valencian Community. 70% of the biogas injection volume⁤ from these requests is ⁢concentrated in Castilla y León (630 GWh/year), Castilla-La Mancha (586 GWh/year), and ⁣Catalonia (449 GWh/year).

Strategic role of the gas network

The gas network plays‍ a strategic role in the deployment of renewable‍ gases. Nedgia currently has ‌seven biogas generation facilities connected to its⁣ network with ⁢a combined injection capacity⁣ of 200 GWh/year. In addition to the plants that are already operating and injecting‍ renewable gas into the distribution network, there are 14 more facilities in the construction‍ phase or ‌very advanced administrative processing with‍ an injection capacity of 741 GWh/year that will soon be connected to the Nedgia network.

Benefits of biogas

Biogas is emerging as one‌ of the major solutions to advance in the energy⁣ transition efficiently, ⁣as it can be ‌distributed through the existing gas infrastructure without making large investments and used in industries, businesses, and households, since its​ use is compatible ⁣with domestic boilers.

The boost ⁣to⁣ rural ⁣areas and the circular economy

Another major advantage of​ this renewable ⁣gas is the boost​ to⁢ rural ‌environments and the circular economy. Being obtained from waste treatment, biogas contributes ‍to the decarbonization of the primary sector and helps ​it achieve ⁣emission reduction and recycling goals. In addition, its production ‌results in a‌ digestate ⁣that can be used for the production of organic fertilizers, completing ​the circular ⁣economy⁢ cycle.

Interest in renewable gas projects

“The 45 projects signed by Nedgia with different ​promoters illustrate the great interest in the market⁢ in the development⁤ of renewable gas production facilities. In order for these and many other projects to be carried out, regulatory measures that offer greater investment certainty, similar to those ⁤in other European countries, are more necessary than ever,” highlights Raúl Suárez, CEO of Nedgia.

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Maria Aguirre



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